What We Do




We are seeking potential tenants that would like to lease property. Good fits could be residential tenants looking to rent in one of our apartments or commercial tenants inquiring about our office or retail availabilities.

Currently we have ideal scenarios for smaller offices. If you a professional services business looking to be near the Humphreys County courthouse or generally looking for lower rental rates than in the Dickson market, get in touch.



If you are a property owner that may be interested in selling a property, we could potentially work together to provide you with more value in your sale when compared to other scenarios.

MHV is interested in protecting the best interests of the local community and will work to structure a deal that benefits all parties involved as well as in consideration of what’s best for the region. We are in it for the long-haul.



If you are a local broker or service provider that may have on- or off-market listings, let’s explore possibilities. MHV is on the lookout to invest in the right situation.

We are seeking owner who are looking to sell a property to a party with a vested interest in the future of the surrounding areas. Because we are not influenced by outside investors, there’s no unnecessary rush to close on a deal that isn’t in line with both partiers.